Stories about Israel from May, 2008
Syria: Golan Cherries for Export
From Syria, Sasa writes: “Syrian farmers living under Israeli occupation have asked Israel to allow them to sell their cherries inside Syria. Living under occupation means they can not travel...
Israel: Holy Land Rehab? Amy Winehouse Rumor Debunked
Rumors that Jewish English singer Amy Winehouse, famous for her song, “Rehab,” will be attending a second bout of drug rehabilitation in Israel have been denied by her handlers. Simply...
Israel: Diplomatic Relations Don't Extend to Soccer Field
“I guess the Egyptians would rather quit than fight,” remarks Israel Matzav's Carl in Jerusalem. “An Egyptian soccer team which included diplomats from the country who are stationed in Rome...
Israel: How Well Do You Know Jerusalem?
How well do you know your Jerusalem trivia? Jacob Richman of Good News from Israel puts your knowledge to the test in preparation for Jerusalem Day, which will be celebrated...
Israel: Making Peace from the Ground Up
“They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more,” says the Bible....
Israel: Shekels Friendly to the Blind
“Israeli currency has been accessible to the blind since 1975,” reflects Josh of Blogs of Zion, responding to a US federal court cases arguing that American money discriminates against the...
Israel: Crop Graffiti Celebrates Israel's 60th Birthday
“I am a man of the land and deeply connected to this country. The field is my canvas, and my tools are the paintbrush,” says Israeli farmer Peter Viner, who...
Israel: Going Green with Gore
Former Vice President Al Gore added his name to the list of political luminaries visiting Israel in recent months. Gore joined the Board of Governors celebrations at Tel Aviv University this week to accept the $1 million Dan David Prize for environmental activism.
Israel: Tel Aviv Transport Goes Hybrid
Green cabs are coming to Tel Aviv, says Isrealli, who writes that “the Tel Aviv Municipality and the Israeli Taxi Drivers Association have agreed on a plan to transition much...
Israel: Religious Communities Object to “Sex” in Advertising
“[Blank] in the City?” An Israeli media company is protesting advertising promoting the release of the new “Sex and the City” movie, claiming the word “sex” is offensive and should...
Israel: We Have No iPhones Today
“Apple finally sells the iPhone in the Middle East but not in Israel. Who cares?” asks Ouriel Ohayon. “On average [every] 1/3 person I meet has an iPhone here… Well...
Israel: Success at Last
From Israel, Haim Watzman celebrates the success of his son at school – after a lot of hard work and the frustrations of being different.
Israel: 1000 Days Since the Gaza Strip's Evacuation
Jameel at The Muquata reflects that it has been 1,000 days since Israeli citizens and military forces left Gaza as an occupying force. “The blatant callousness of the Israeli government...
Israel: “Survivor” Strikes a National Chord
Over 46% of Jewish Israeli households tuned in to watch the finale of the reality T.V. show “Survivor,” says Jameel of The Muquata. That's approximately 1.3 million people.
Egypt: A Taxi Driver's Words of Wisdom
Israeli-American blogger Daniel Lubetsky, traveling in Egypt, interviews his taxi driver on leading figures in the Middle East. “I asked him to rank people or countries, thumbs up or thumbs...
Israel: New World Record for Biggest Hummus Plate
Weighing in at 400 kilos (880 pounds) on a plate that was 4 meters (4.35 yards) in diameter, Hummus Tzabar became the Guinness Book of World Record's official title holder...
Israel: Bush's Final Presidential Visit
On the heels of its 60th birthday celebrations, President Bush visited Israel this week, marking his second and last presidential visit to the Middle Eastern state. Maya Norton tunes into the Israeli blogosphere to bring us the latest reactions.
Palestine: One State Solution
From Jordan, Ali Dahmash writes: “I’m one of a few who believe in a One state solution since either side can't get rid of the other. As crazy as it...
Blog for Palestine Day
Blogger za3tar has organized Blog About Palestine Day for today, May 15, the anniversary of the Nakba and Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations. Bloggers around the world were invited to blog for Palestine, as noted by Global Voices here. Many bloggers chose to participate in the event; here is a selection.
Palestine: Sixty Years of Al Nakba
Celebrations are under way to mark Israel's 60th anniversary - but for millions of Palestinians whose grandparents and parents were made refugees in the process, today marks Al Nakba - a day they were forced to flee their lands or were forcefully expelled from their homes as the State of Israel was born. Following is a cross-section of reactions from Arab bloggers.
Israel: Iranian Grad Missiles Hit Ashkelon Mall
Hours after President George W Bush arrived in Israel, Iranian Grad missiles penetrated the roof of an Ashkelon mall. Four people, including a mother and her toddler, were seriously wounded. In addition, 87 others were transferred to a hospital. Gilad Lotan brings us the reactions of the Hebrew blogosphere.