· March, 2008

Stories about Israel from March, 2008

Middle East and North Africa: Client Number Nine

  28 March 2008

Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace grabbed the headlines as soon as newsmen caught wind of the scandal. Bloggers followed closely on their heel, including those from the Middle East and North Africa, whose attention was turned to the humiliation his wife must have suffered from and indignation of having her to stand by him as he announced his resignation.

Liquid assets: Bloggers on World Water Day

  23 March 2008

It's known as the universal solvent, Adam's Ale, government juice, council pop, H2O, dihydrogen monoxide, hydrogen hydroxide, has a ton of different names in Arabic and yesterday (March 22) the world was called upon to pay it special attention. World Water Day 2008 marked the start of the fourth year of the UN International Decade for Action on Water that began in 2005, and to mark the occasion the bloggers weighed in with insights and commentary from various corners of the world.

Israel: Shakespeare Was a Jewish Woman?

  20 March 2008

The Bard's identity has long been a matter of debate, but a new candidate has entered the scene. Could Shakespeare have been an Italian Jewish woman? Jewcy's John Hudson provides...

Israel: A Joyous Celebration of Purim

  20 March 2008

The holiday of Purim celebrates the triumph of the Jewish people over those who seek and sought their destruction. Purim is a joyful holiday celebrated with costumes, festivities, good food, and much drinking, writes Maya Norton, from Israel.

Israel: Killed over Parking Spot

  14 March 2008

‘An indication of an increase in violence in Israel was clearly demonstrated Tuesday when a Holon man, Yosef Bavli, parked his van in a space that was claimed by a...

Syria: Silence Over the “Bigger Holocaust”

  14 March 2008

On February 29th, Israel's Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai warned of "a bigger Holocaust" for the Palestinians. Syrian blogger Ayman, from the Damascene Blog, compares between the world's silence to that comment and the fuss made over Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's alleged call to "wipe Israel off the map."

Israel: Backyard Tour

  12 March 2008

“In an effort to clear the mind and explore new territory, we ventured into one of the 726548724 hiking trails around Tzur Hadassah in the Judean Hills this afternoon,” writes...

Israel: Bloggers Mourn Terrorism at Religious School

  10 March 2008

On Thursday, March 6, eight teenagers were killed and many more wounded in a terrorist attack on a Jerusalem religious school. The perpetrator was identified as a Palestinian from East Jerusalem in possession of an Israeli identity card. Sources say he posed as a student in order to enter the building, writes Maya Norton, who reviews Israel's English language blogs for reactions.