· September, 2006

Stories about Israel from September, 2006

Israel: No wonder they hate us

  25 September 2006

The zionist Left in Israel talks alot…they were never known for their actual actions. Shulamit Aloni was for years a member of the Israeli Knesset. Her voice was loud and...

Israel: Israel's Political Future

  20 September 2006

The number one most important priority for those who want to improve Israel's defense and Israel's public diplomacy/Israel's image abroad has to be internal reforms. It has to be fixing...

Israel: Legacy

  11 September 2006

It's unfortunate that is takes commemoration of a mega-tragedy to bring people together and focus their thoughts on the same issue. I see the same process in Israel, when it's...


  11 September 2006

What are the roots of such intense hatred that the slaughter of thousands of innocent people was the result? … The United States has done things over the past decades...

Israel: The Morality of Business

5 September 2006

Amechad says that the morality of business is the problem of Israel. “It lacks equality under law but has this idea of income equality that serves to weaken those better...

Iran: Nasrallah was censored

  5 September 2006

According to Bamdad, Hassan Nasrallah's, Lebanese Hezbollah leader, interview was censored in Iran [Fa]. The blogger says the following part of his interview got censored ” I would not have...

Israel: Shades of the British Mandate!

4 September 2006

Israeli kids were once raised on the legends of the Zionist pioneers who braved the evil British Mandate and risked their lives to establish the early kibbutzim and moshavot! Those...