Stories about Bahrain from January, 2009
Bahrain: Bloggers united against decision to block websites
Bloggers in Bahrain are fuming at a decision by the country's Minister of Information to block access to scores of websites, as well as prevent access to proxy sites which enable surfers to get to sites in a round about manner. Ayesha Saldanha reviews reactions from Bahrain.
Bahrain: Scores of Websites Blocked
Scores of websites have been blocked in Bahrain, following a new crackdown by the Ministry of Information. The latest sweep makes sites ranging from Google Translate to those of social, religious, human rights and political groups inaccessible to people in Bahrain.
Bahrain: Why is God not Saving Palestinians?
American Coolred38, who lives in Bahrain, asks: “In your opinion…is it safe to assume…that the millions of prayers sent to God by Muslims asking for Palestinians to be saved and...
Bahrain: Mafiwasta Interview on Rights of Migrant Workers
Bahraini Esra'a, at Mideast Youth, reposts an interview conducted by Migrant Rights with Nick McGeehan, founding member of human rights group Mafiwasta, set up in 2005 to bring to attention...
Bahrain: Role of Web 2.0 in Gaza War
Global Voices Online‘s Jillian York speaks to Bahraini Esra'a at Mideast Youth on the role of Web 2.0/social networking sites in reporting the current conflict in Gaza.
Palestine: Communicating with Gaza
Under normal circumstances and despite a high rate of literacy, Palestine's Internet penetration rate stands between 13 and 15 per cent (including both the West Bank and Gaza). Given the ongoing attacks on Gaza, however, Internet access has been significantly diminished. Many Gaza residents are instead sending text messages and making phone calls abroad in the hopes that their stories will be told.
Bahrain: What is Hamas Thinking?
Bahraini blogger Ammar writes: “Israeli forces launched a ground offensive against Hamas, which probably means a larger death toll over the next few days. I don't understand the way Hamas...