Stories about Bahrain from November, 2006
Arabisc: Bahraini Elections, Dying Children and Confusing Freedom!
Bahrain held its second Parliamentary elections in its modern history this week, with about 300,000 voters going to the polls. Amongst them was Bahraini blogger Haythoo, who hoped his ‘party’...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
More than 300,000 Bahrainis went to the polls on Saturday to elect 40 Municipal Councillors and another 40 Members of Parliament. This is the second time Bahrainis vote in their...
Bahrain: Elections 2006
Election ‘coverage and monitoring‘ does seem to be the buzz of the Bahraini blogsphere.
Abu Aardvark: Bahrain Elections Spark Media Interest
Abu Aardvark says Al Jazeera Arabic channel has devoted an entire programme to cover the Bahraini parliamentary and municipal elections being held today. He says the elections have generated a...
Bahrain: International Exposure
Bahrain is getting international exposure in the media with the Washington Post and New York Times covering its elections, which are being held today, reports Desert Island Boy. But it...
Bahrain: Elections and Gerrymandering
With Parliamentary and Municipal Council elections coming up on November 25, Chanad Bahraini accuses the authorities of gerrymandering, saying that the distribution of constituencies is “outrageously discriminatory.”
Bahrain: Two Political Activists in Jail
Babbling Bahrania calls upon journalists in Bahrain to cover the parliamentary and municipal council elections being held on November 25 to look at issues more pressing than the voting process,...
Bahrain: Three Children Die in Fire
Three children have died when a fire engulfed their Manama home, reports Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif. The fire was caused when the children, aged two to five, tried to...
Egypt: Cairo's women speak out against violence
In the run-up to the annual global campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, Egypt's First Lady, Suzanne Mubarak, addressing a meeting of the Arab Women's Organisation, issued...
Arabisc: One Blogger Arrested..1000s More to Go!
There doesn't seem to be a week passing by without Egyptians and its bloggers rocking the boat and taking the virtual limelight in our part of the world. This week...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
For a small constitutional monarchy, with a population of about 700,000, Bahrain's blogosphere is sure never short of new topics for discussion and debate. This week's new topics include the...
Arabisc: Culprits, Democracy and the Rule of Law
Choosing links from 22 different Arab countries for translation is no easy feat..for however much you try and be selective, you cannot be doing the region and its bloggers any...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
With the Godfather of Bahraini bloggers Mahmood Al Yousif out of the way and sick in hospital – possibly recuperating from his head-on collision with authorities over the blocking of...
Arabisc: Egyptian Blogger Arrested While Arab Bloggers Debate Unity Issues
With most Arab countries waging a war on the Internet, Egypt decided to score brownie points with its bloggers by arresting yet another online writer. Egyptian blogger Alaa Abd El...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
Freedom of expression in Bahrain received yet another slap in the face this week with a government ban on what is the kingdom's most famous blog. The Ministry of Information...
Bahrain: Mahmood Blog Unblocked!
Mahmood's blogs was officially unblocked today. He had to make some concessions in order to lift the ban on his site; specifically, he removed few posts and all attendant comments...
Bahrain: The Good Citizen
Citizenship is a sacred honour, a plaque we carry proudly on our chests and a burden pressing hard on our backs. Can we be true citizens and do our country...