Stories about Algeria from April, 2010
Algeria: Mauritania's Language Struggle
“A short post on the struggle among Mauritanian students over Arabic and French language will appear here sometime next week. Mauritanians on the front lines are encouraged to send the...
Algeria: Since 1989
“James D. Le Sueur’s Algeria since 1989: Between Terror and Democracy (Zed: 2010) provides for the most up-to-date reading on the Algerian Civil War since Algeria: Anger of the Dispossessed by...
Arab World: Arab Tweeple Launched
ArabTweeple is the first directory indexing more than 15,000 Arab Twitter users.
Arab World: Pulling all the Stops for the BoBs
Arab bloggers nominated for the annual Best of the Blogs award (The BoBs) are pulling all the stops, to attract more votes. Who are the nominated bloggers and who will you vote for?