· January, 2009

Stories about Algeria from January, 2009

Arab World: “We Stopped Saying Israel…”

  28 January 2009

A message on Twitter calling upon Arabs to stop saying Israel has snowballed into a movement across the Arab world, in this latest twist of the ongoing online war following the Israeli bombing of Gaza. Anas Qtiesh reports from the front lines.

Maghreb Politics Review Launched

  22 January 2009

“Check out the first post at Maghreb Politics Review. I’ve added some people as contributors, if you want to be added as an editor or as an admin, let me...

Algeria's Gas Supplies to Europe

  13 January 2009

Algeria's plans to increase gas supplies to Europe is “surely an expression of Algerians’ desire to distance themselves from Russia’s aggressive attempts to cut supply,” notes Algerian blogger The Moor...

Algeria: Maghreb/Sahel blog proposal

  12 January 2009

“I have an idea: Why not create a multi-author English-language Maghreb/Sahel blog? There are enough general MENA/Arab Middle East blogs in this vain, but stupendously few blogs that bring together...