Stories about Algeria from April, 2007
Algeria: Say Camel in 40 Words
Algerian blogger and linguist Lameen Souag draws our attention to the fact that there are more than 40 words used in Arabic to mean and describe camels.
Algeria: From Armenia to Islam
Algerian blogger Nouri provides links which discuss why the Armenian genocide should not be called a genocide and who is a moderate Muslim.
Algeria: America at Crossroads
Algerian blogger Nouri watched documentary series America At Crossroads and shares his thoughts on the production here.
Algeria: To Exist or Not to Exist
A query on LINGUIST List the other day asked for examples of other languages which, like English, have a verb “exist” distinct from the general-purpose existential “there is”. In Algerian...
Online Freedom for All: Some cases worth supporting
In my last article, “Lessons from the Free Kareem campaign”, I talked about campaigning and why some jailed and persecuted bloggers and online writers are winning sympathy, while others have...
Arabeyes: Thoughts on the Virginia Tech Massacre
For Algerian student Nouri, who studies in the US, the shooting at Virginia Tech is too close to home for comfort. He links to the above photograph, from the Washington...
Algeria: The Status of Fouad Ajami
Algerian blogger Nouri sums up his opinion on whether John Hopkins professor Fouad Ajami is more of a Shia or a nationalist when it comes to discussing the developments in...
Algeria: Islam and the Islamists
Algerian blogger Nouri discusses the struggle between Islam and the Islamists here.
Algeria: Al Qaeda Strikes Again
Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb has struck again, killing at least twenty-three people, and injuring well over one hundred in a two pronged assault on Algiers, reports Algerian blogger Nouri.
Algeria: On Obama
Algerian blogger Nouri gives us his thoughts on US presidential candidate Barack Obama, who managed to raise $25 million despite running a ‘disorganised’ campaign.
Algeria: Future Arab Alliances with Israel?
The Moor Next Door talks about the Arab states and future alliances with Israel and against Iran: “A long road must be traveled until the major Arab states can win...
Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea: Tell-all Biography of Slain Activist Félix Moumié's Widow
Says Le Pangolin [Fr]: “Marthe Moumié is the widow of Cameroonian nationalist Félix Moumié, assassinated in Geneva by the French Secret Service in 1960. Marthe writes a book prefaced by...
Algeria: US Should Encourage Saudi
Algerian blogger Nouri cautions the West of misreading recent Saudi manoeuvres in leading Arab states. “The Americans should encourage Saudi leadership, because if their reaction to the Saudi drive for...
Algeria: Abusing Islam?
Algerian blogger and linguist Lameen Souag debates the motives of bloggers who abusively invoke Islam into defining different behaviours and attitudes. “The likes of Al-Qaeda wrongly describe their own terrorist...
Algeria: New Arabism
Algerian blogger Nouri discusses a new wave of Arabism, led by Saudi Arabia. “Saudi Arabia has been driving efforts to construct a regional Arab block to check Iranian influence in...