· February, 2007

Stories about Algeria from February, 2007

Algeria: Advice to the US

  28 February 2007

Algerian blogger Nouri writes: “Washington must distinguish between those with whom it can deal and those it can't; even if they aren't Ideal.” To read more of his advice to...

Algeria: Arabic Threatened in Qatar?

  27 February 2007

Algerian blogger Lameen Souag argues that the Arabic language is being threatened in Qatar, where the emphasis is on teaching youngsters English at an early age.

Algeria: Snake Spell Found

  16 February 2007

Algerian blogger Lameen Souag reports that an ancient Semitic scribe containing a spell against snakes was finally deciphered. The spell was found in the Pyramids in Egypt.

Algeria: War on Terrorism

  14 February 2007

The war on terrorism in Algeria continues, writes Algerian blogger Nouri. “The Interior Ministry released a statement in early February stating that al-Qaeda in Algeria would be eradicated (as is...

Algeria: The Noble Black

  2 February 2007

Algerian blogger Lameen Souag examines the definition of the word black in the Songhay language, which is spoken in and around Timbuktu and in the Sahara. “It would be interesting...