Stories about Middle East & North Africa from October, 2022
Indonesia rallies to support women in Iran amid concerns over rising domestic conservatism
As protestors gathered to support Iran, some activists warn that rising conservatism in parts of Indonesia means that women in Indonesia could lose their own right to choose
One of the last Ladino language speakers in Bosnia, Moris Albahari, passed away
Ladino or Judeo-Spanish is an endangered Romance language derived from Old Spanish, used by around 60,000 Sephardic Jews living in the Israel, Turkey, the Balkans, North Africa, and other former parts of Ottoman Empire.
How Palestinian youth resisted Israeli occupation: With a haircut
A new generation that has become hopeless over the brutal realities of Israeli apartheid now leads the fight. Palestinians express sympathy for those youngsters but also support their resistance.
Turkish lawmakers ratify new disinformation bill
Aimed to combat fake news and disinformation, the 40-article legislation passed by Turkey's parliament, is a threat to freedom of speech say critics of the bill.
Kianoush Ramezani: The journey of an exiled political cartoonist
“To be a political cartoonist, you must be a philosopher and observer of your own society and the whole world. We live in a world where something happens every hour."
The world must hear the voice of Iranian women
The Iranian government is attempting to silence the online and offline voices of women and all dissidents through a brutal and ongoing crackdown.
Iranian protest crackdown targets ethnic minorities
Like the Baloch, Iran's Kurdish population is predominately Sunni Muslim, and as a result, they experience systematic racial and religious discrimination.
Russians fleeing Putin’s war face long border queues, overpriced flights, fear, and uncertainty
Ticket prices out of Russia are soaring and bordering countries are braced for an influx as an estimated 700,000 young men have left the country since Putin's announcement of mobilization.
Women in Turkey stand in solidarity with women of Iran
In Turkey where women’s rights keep deteriorating, the murder of Mahsa Amini hits close to home. Women from across all walks of life express solidarity with the protests in Iran.
Supporters hold rallies around the world in solidarity with the Iranian people
As the protest movement in Iran continues, rallies in solidarity with the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and justice were held in more than 150 cities worldwide over the weekend.