· December, 2006

Stories about Venezuela from December, 2006

Venezuela: The best Christmas music you've never heard of

  28 December 2006

“There were two very notable things about Christmas in Zulia that I immediately became aware of: the temperature (around 90 degrees) and La Gaita Zuliana,” writes Jennifer Woodard Maderazo about the Christmas protest songs of Venezuela's Zulia state.

Venezuela: Preserving Indigenous Languages

  21 December 2006

As many as thirty-four indigenous languages are spoken in Venezuela and a special committee of the country's National Assembly is drafting a law designed at preserving them. The Latin Americanist also reports that there are plans to have indigenous representation on the Assembly.

Venezuela: Bloggers Wish the World Merry Christmas

19 December 2006

Venezuelan bloggers wish you a merry multimedia Christmas [ES]. This will definitely get a laugh out of you. You can get a behind-the-scenes look at how the video was put together here [ES].

Venezuela: Poetry and Progress

  14 December 2006

Guillermo Parra comments on Rafael Arráiz Lucca's history of Venezuelan poetry, El coro de las voces solitarias. “As the last two decades have proved, Venezuela still hasn't transcended certain key problems that have plagued it since its foundation, including militarism, corruption and a deeply flawed educational system. Poetry is not...

Tranquility and Justice in Caracas

  5 December 2006

Of course the big story around the continent has been Hugo Chávez's reelection in Venezuela with about 60% of the popular vote. Writes “La Maga,” a journalist from Caracas: el día después hay poca gente en el metro. muchos se tomaron el día libre hoy tras una noche de celebración...

Trinidad & Tobago: Venezuelan Election Coverage

  5 December 2006

Jeremy Taylor takes aim at the mainstream media for their coverage of the Venezuelan elections: “Viewing these social divisions through the lenses of Cold War ideology (who's left and who's right, who's friends with Fidel) is not only pointless but destructive.”

Venezuela: Chavez Re-elected

  4 December 2006

“Chavez is president and Venezuela is 61% red and 39% blue. Which is to say, morado (“purple/bruised”) writes Sebastian Delmont in a post titled “Venezuela es #9D0062″, after the hexidecimal representation of purple in HTML. Daniel Duquenal is poetic with his late-night reflections: “It is around midnight. A soft rain...

Barbados: Chavez Envy?

  4 December 2006

The Barbados Free Press, still concerned about Deputy Prime Minister Mia Mottley's proposal that call-in programmes and internet blogs should be placed under government control, sees striking parallels to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Venezuelan 3D

  2 December 2006

The 3D (December 3) will become a new milestone in Venezuela's political calendar. This Sunday Venezuelans will choose our next President. Although more than ten candidates are registered, the election race is truly among only two candidates: the social democrat Manuel Rosales and incumbent President Hugo Chávez, who aspires to...

Venezuela: Preparing for Sunday's Election

  1 December 2006

Venezuelan bloggers everywhere are adding their lost thoughts before this Sunday's presidential election. Miguel Octavio says, “Strange happenings all over the place as the Government seems to be stirring the pot unnecessarily.” Katy shows and links to “pictures of the illegal use of government funds to help the Chávez campaign.”...