· July, 2005

Stories about Peru from July, 2005

Latin America Responds to TeleSur's Launch

  28 July 2005

This past Sunday a small group of 25 journalists in Caracas, Venezuela began pilot-broadcasting a new Pan-American satellite news network called TeleSur which, by September, hopes to be reaching audiences all throughout the Americas with at least nine regional bureaus including Colombia, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil, Washington D.C, La Paz and...

Perú: Live 8

27 July 2005

Diana Zorilla Rios of Lima, Peru says the Peruvian media did a pretty poor job covering Live8, but not to worry because the bloggers had it under contro [es]

Peru: Taxis in Lima, Peru

25 July 2005

Live from Lima has little faith in the capabilities of taxi drivers in Peru's largest city.

Americas Daily Blog Roundup

  7 July 2005

Jeff Barry spreads the word about early 20th century Argentine artist, Xul Solar. Barrio Flores has an excellent post about Bolivian cinema. Blog de Bolivia seeks to explain Carlos Mesa's increasing popularity [es] as the December general elections approach. MABB covers former Bolivian president, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada's thoughts on...

Americas Roundup

  4 July 2005

Tomas Sancio of Venezuelan Politics explains why Venezuelans trade Bolívares for US dollars in the black market. Jorge Arena of Arena Space writes on The Devil's Excrement about the recent murder of three engineering students by the Venezuelan police and what must be done to bring forth justice. Morena discusses...