Stories about Nicaragua from November, 2011
Nicaragua: The Poor State of Roads in Nueva Guinea
Ronald Hill [es] denounces the poor state of roads in Nueva Guinea, “the largest, most densely populated municipality and biggest economic hub of the Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic”...
Nicaragua: Opposition Youth Affected by Hacktivism
In The Nicaragua Dispatch, Tim Rogerts reports that opposition youth “have discovered that trying to organize protests using social media networks such as Facebook […] can be harmful to one’s...
Nicaragua: Protesters Denounce Election Fraud
Opponents to Daniel Ortega's reelection protested on November 8 denouncing electoral fraud in the November 6 elections, as reported by El Nuevo Diario [es]. The blog Política Mente Incorrecto [es]...
Nicaragua: Citizens Report on Elections via #votonica
Presidential elections were held on Sunday, November 6 in Nicaragua. Through #votonica [es] and a Ushahidi-powered map [es], citizens have been reporting on the electoral process since October 21, 2011,...
Nicaragua: A Preview of the November 6 Election
Bloggings by boz previews Nicaragua's upcoming elections on Sunday, November 6. He analyzes two important points regarding President Daniel Ortega‘s reelection bid, and lists 7 things to watch for on...
Nicaragua to Host 2012 Debian Conference
Nicaragua will host the 2012 DebConf. The blog comuNIdad shares the announcement: “The conference will take place from July 8 to July 14 2012, in Managua, Nicaragua. In DebConf’s twelve-year...