· April, 2007

Stories about Nicaragua from April, 2007

Getting to Know Global Voices’ Latin America Team

  25 April 2007

Some of the very best weblogs from around Latin America hardly ever receive mention on Global Voices. That's because their authors are also contributors here and spend most of their time drawing your attention to others' posts. Well, it's long past time to highlight their personal creativity and boundless enthusiasm for new media in Latin America.

Nicaragua: National Wiki

13 April 2007

Rodrigo Peñalba and Mario Delgado introduce [ES] the wiki [ES] of MarcaAcme, “the first open wiki dedicated specifically to Nicaragua.” Among the pages is a directory of Nicaraguan weblogs, which...

Nicaragua: Justice Crosses Borders With Social Media

  10 April 2007

This, beyond the verity of facts, or the innocence of the involved parties, is a battle of Nicaragua's traditional media (La Prensa, El Nuevo Diario, and TV news programs), against the social media pressure of the blogosphere, a new medium of journalism and collective information based on social relations made over the internet.

CAFTA: Point of Disagreement in Costa Rica

  9 April 2007

Editor's Note: Juliana Rincón Parra has already shown us the extensive opposition to Costa Rica's ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement. However, San Jose-based Roy Rojas was adamant...