Stories about Guatemala from October, 2005
Guatemala: Blog de mi Guatemala Anniversary
Rob Mercatante congratulates Blog de Mi Guatemala, which recently turned two-years-old.
Nicaragua: Cultural Observations
Both ¡Pura Vida! and Nicaragua Travels jot down some cultural observations.
Guatemala: Survivor Guatemala after Stan
Rob Mercatante and company get CBS to shape up their “Guatemala Relief” web page. Chapinadas weighs the pros and cons of Survivor's impact on Guatemala and all about E explains...
Hurricane Stan Update from Oscar Mota
I just got done instant messaging with Oscar Mota who has been covering hurricane Stan's destruction on Guatemala at from his home in Guatemala City. What follows are translated...
Flooding Throughout Central America
A week's worth of rain caused by hurricane Stan has caused massive flooding in Guatemala and throughout Central America. Death toll estimates are already at a conservative 1,400 in Guatemala...