Stories about El Salvador from February, 2011
Why is President Obama Traveling to El Salvador in March?
Mike in Central American Politics mentions several reasons why President Obama is traveling to El Salvador in March of this year, “in addition to security, trade, energy, poverty, etc.”
El Salvador: Citizen Reactions to disclosure of wages in the Legislative Assembly
The disclosure of Legislative Assembly employee wages, some a lot higher than expected, has sparked outrage among Salvadoran bloggers.
El Salvador: The Left Assumes Presidency of Legislative Assembly
Repudiation, joy or indifference have been the various reactions of the Salvadoran blogosphere in the face of a representative of the leftist FMLN party assuming the presidency of the Legislative Assembly - the Salvadoran congress - for the first time since the party has parliamentary representation.
Latin America: Drawing Parallels with Egypt
As protests in Egypt continue, Latin American bloggers are drawing historical parallels with similar uprisings in the region and some are wondering: “Could it happen here now?”
Blogger asks: “Could instability spread to Latin America?”
Considering the recent and ongoing events in Tunisia and Egypt, Bloggings by boz asks: “If it is a crisis year, what would it mean for Latin America?”. Boz goes over...
El Salvador: Violence in Gold Mining Region Continues
“There has been a troubling resurgence of violence and threats of violence in the Cabañas region of El Salvador, where gold mining companies want to open mines. Those mining plans...