Stories about El Salvador from May, 2007
El Salvador: Preliminary Census Figures
Early returns from the first Salvadoran census since 1992 have found that there are less citizens in the country than expected. Tim Muth provides the prediction that “you can expect...
What Salvadoran bloggers are saying — about a war-like political campaign
There are 22 months to go before the March 2009 elections for President and National Assembly in El Salvador, but already the campaign is a major theme in the Salvadoran blogosphere. The current round of comments were triggered by a political rally led by president Tony Saca, where he made comments which many described as "war-like."
El Salvador: Planned or Spontaenous Violence in the Capital
San Salvador recently witnessed events of violence during clashes between market vendors and the police during an operation trying to displace “illegal” places of sale. The conflict caused some bloggers...
El Salvador: The New Census
Tim's El Salvador Blog writes about the national census that will begin on May 12. An extensive publicity campaign was launched to collect data, the first since 1992, when the...
El Salvador: “War on Terrorism” Marks
Tim Muth's El Salvador Blog links to the recent US State Department's Country Report on Terrorism and how El Salvador has participated. There is some worry that the broad definition...