Stories about El Salvador from May, 2006
What Salvadoran bloggers are saying — violence and generals
The high levels of violence in the country continue without solutions. Much of the violence is tied to gang activity. Blogger Hunnapuh notes that pressured by the business sector, which...
El Salvador: Violence, Economics
The blog of “El Salvador/CNY Companion Diocese” reports that there were twenty two murders in El Salvador just on Sunday and Monday of this week. “The government claims to have...
El Salvador, Peru, Mexico, Chile: Internet Day
May 17th was “El Día de Internet,” or “Internet Day” in Latin America and several bloggers offered homages to the World Wide Web. From El Salvador, Hunnapuh asks [ES] “but...
What Salvadoran bloggers are saying — tourism and gold mining
Salvadoran bloggers often ponder what types of economic development can best help the country lift the overall status of its people. There is general agreement that tourism would be good...
Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, El Salvador: Mining Controversies
Gold prices are quickly approaching an all-time high which has inspired a new boom in prospecting around Central and South America. The Honduras News Blog asks if gold mines are...
El Salvador, Argentina: On Book Fairs
Soy Salvadoreño was impressed with the low prices (ES) at the Universidad Centroamericana book fair in San Salvador. Jeff Barry went to the Book Fair at La Rural in Buenos...
El Salvador: Cycling, Pro and Otherwise
Tim Muth says the eight day pro cycling race Vuelta a El Salvador is currently underway. Meanwhile, a cyclist named David is riding through Central America and blogging his journey...
El Salvador: No Immigration Debate
Jefferson Morley says that immigration reform is rarely debated in the Salvadoran press.