· January, 2010

Stories about Dominican Republic from January, 2010

Haiti: Wired Money May Help Rebuild Before Aid

  30 January 2010

With phone lines being restored in Haiti, money sent from families abroad “by wire” is again arriving, and helping reconstruction even where international aid has not arrived. Remittances from family members living abroad represented at least thirty percent of Haiti's Gross National Product before the January 12 earthquake.

Haiti: Restoring Communications and Local Media Networks

  20 January 2010

Haiti's communication infrastructure was seriously damaged after being devastated by a 7.0 earthquake on January 12. It can be very empowering for people in Haiti to be able to narrate their stories in their own words. With this is in mind, Feminist International Radio Endeavour (FIRE) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters have launched projects to help restore local media projects.

Haiti: Waiting for water

  17 January 2010

Nearly six days after the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti, a severe shortage of drinking water in Port-au-Prince hampers relief efforts. Pleas for water issued via Twitter and other media highlight the severity of the situation.

Haiti: Experiences of the Earthquake

  13 January 2010

So far the casualty reports from Haiti's earthquake have focused on the terrifying statistics, but very few names had been attached to those numbers. Here is a look at some of the experiences that the survivors of this natural disaster are sharing online...