· October, 2007

Stories about Cuba from October, 2007

Cuba: UN Motion

  31 October 2007

Both Child of the Revolution and The Cuban Triangle blog about the outcome of the UN motion for the United States to lift its long-standing embargo against Cuba.

Cuba: The Power of Imagery

  30 October 2007

Child of the Revolution blogs about “a new exhibition…looking at the ‘use and abuse’ of that now-ubiquitous Alberto Korda photograph of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara.”

Cuba: Of Speeches and Workshops

  26 October 2007

While The Cuban Triangle comments on US President George Bush's speech about democratic change in Cuba, Child of the Revolution almost “missed a big event currently under way in Havana....

Cuba: Press Freedom Index Ranking

  17 October 2007

Referring to the Reporters Without Borders annual index rating of the level of press freedom around the world, Uncommon Sense says: “Cuba's specific rating almost is irrelevant. What counts is...