Stories about Cuba from October, 2007
Cuba: UN Motion
Both Child of the Revolution and The Cuban Triangle blog about the outcome of the UN motion for the United States to lift its long-standing embargo against Cuba.
Cuba: The Power of Imagery
Child of the Revolution blogs about “a new exhibition…looking at the ‘use and abuse’ of that now-ubiquitous Alberto Korda photograph of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara.”
Cuba: Of Speeches and Workshops
While The Cuban Triangle comments on US President George Bush's speech about democratic change in Cuba, Child of the Revolution almost “missed a big event currently under way in Havana....
Cuba: US to Encourage Democratic Change?
“US President George W Bush will today announce a set of initiatives designed to encourage democratic change in Cuba,” writes Child of the Revolution – but he wonders if the...
Cuba: Election Scrutiny
According to this post at Babalu Blog, “scrutiny is not part of the plan” when it comes to the municipal elections in Cuba.
Cuba: Press Freedom Index Ranking
Referring to the Reporters Without Borders annual index rating of the level of press freedom around the world, Uncommon Sense says: “Cuba's specific rating almost is irrelevant. What counts is...
First reactions to the Al Gore/IPCC Nobel Peace Prize Win
Here's a quick roundup up some of the initial reactions from the global blogosphere to today's announcement that former US vice president Al Gore and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have won this year's Nobel Peace Prize.
Cuba: Che, forty years later
October 9 is the fortieth anniversary of Che Guevara's death. HCV Analysis posts a short biographical video on the Cuban hero.