· April, 2007

Stories about Cuba from April, 2007

Cuba: Cousins Make Dozens

  20 April 2007

“I think it’s a given that if you’re Cuban, you’ve got a cousin (or twelve) somewhere,” writes Babalu Blog. “Along those same lines, there is no way you can mention...

Cuba: Political Balance Por Favor

  17 April 2007

The publicly-funded STV network in Sweden last year broadcast a four-hour show in honour of Fidel Castro's 80th birthday. Child of the Revolution has discovered that “19 formal complaints were...

Cuba: Michael Moore

  16 April 2007

“…With his latest project, filmmaker Michael Moore reveals himself as a ‘sicko,’ willing to use some seriously ill veterans of the ground zero cleanup in New York to help the...

Cuba: Asking the Question

  13 April 2007

In the context of a recent blog post about “a young Cuban rapper who criticizes injustice in Cuba while wearing a che t-shirt”, Babalu Blog asks a question that he...

Cuba: Say no to Santana

  2 April 2007

Claudia4Libertad links to a petition requesting that Cuban-American music star Gloria Estefan reconsider having Carlos Santana appear as a guest artist on her tribute to Cuba album “90 Millas” on...