· May, 2010

Stories about Chile from May, 2010

Chile: Suggestions from Tourists

  26 May 2010

In the city of Arica, Chile, blogger Tomás Bradanovic says “we should listen to the tourist [es],” because he has been receiving emails from tourists visiting and who have plenty...

Chile: The Rebirth After the Earthquake Tragedy

  17 May 2010

The 2010 Global Voices Citizen Media Summit sought to engage Chilean bloggers through a blogging competition organized in collaboration with the organization OCD Iberoamérica. Here is the winning post written by Isidora Barroso.

GV Summit: Day One Finished, Day Two Underway!

  7 May 2010

You may have missed out on the fumbling around with the translation headsets, but if you weren't able to join us for the first day of the Global Voices 2010 Citizen Media Summit in Santiago Chile, you definitely have not missed out on the global conversation!