· March, 2010

Stories about Chile from March, 2010

Chile: The Process of Earthquake Reconstruction

  30 March 2010

Exactly a month after the devastating earthquake in Chile, President Sebastián Piñera announced a reconstruction plan for the country’s infrastructure and housing, prompting Chileans to provide opinions about how this process should be implemented and monitored.

Chile: Mapuche Communities Affected by Earthquake

  9 March 2010

After the February 27 earthquake in Chile, the media and the government have faced strong criticism for their lack of coverage and support for the small Mapuche indigenous communities closest to the epicenter. Mapuche leaders have called out for international aid.

Japan: Flight Doctor Tweeting in Chile

  7 March 2010

Flight doctor George Tomioka, who is in Chile as part of the Japan Disaster Relief Team from JICA, is tweeting at @georgetomioka [ja]. Here's a tweet from March 7th: “[Chile...

Chile: Communication Failure

  3 March 2010

Jorge Barahona writes about the digital communication failure by the Chilean government [es] after the earthquake, who did not make best use of the tools available. However, he praised channels...

Chile: Army Deployed to Streets of Concepción

  2 March 2010

The situation in Concepción, Chile’s second largest city, has worsened considerably after the earthquake. Confirmed reports of uncontrolled looting, building collapses, violence, and even in some cases, arson led to the deployment of a strong contingent of 4,500 soldiers to the city.

Chile: Political Points Amidst the Earthquake

  2 March 2010

Among the ongoing reports of casualties and damage caused by the earthquake that struck Chile, political observers and bloggers have commented on the implications the quake will have on Chilean politics, especially since Chile is in the midst of a presidential transition.

Chile: Chaos in the Province of Curicó

  1 March 2010

“Chaotic continues to the situation that province of Curicó faces,” writes Luis Alberto Cabello of the blog Vivimos la Noticia [es] written from the Chilean province that was one of...

Chile: Earthquake Effects in Maule

  1 March 2010

The citizen newspaper Maulee [es] based in Maule, the epicenter region of the Chilean earthquake provides updates on how the region was affected, including fatalities, road conditions, and recommendations from...

Barbados, Haiti: Being Prepared

  1 March 2010

“What is clear is the changing climatic conditions affecting the world, the Caribbean included”: On the heels of two major earthquakes in the region, Barbados Underground wonders “what can we...