Stories about Argentina from July, 2016
Meet the Two Latin American Women Vying for the United Nations’ Top Job
"Excited that @CFigueres is running for #nextSG. Paris Agreement was an incredible achievement."
Two Argentineans Travel Throughout Latin America Looking for ‘The Other Education’
“Education in Motion” was created by two young Argentineans who travel throughout Latin America documenting the development of popular education and the proposals inspired by social movements in the region.
‘Playing for Change’ Promotes Peace and Inclusion Around the World Through Music
"Throughout our journey we have learned that music is the greatest tool for healing broken countries, cultures and hearts."
How the Death of Arturo the Polar Bear Blew up Argentina's Animal Captivity Debate
“What can one learn when looking at a polar bear caged in 40 degrees? That we have the power to subdue animals for our own fancy, disguising it as educational.”