Stories about Argentina from December, 2014
Argentina, Chile and Bolivia get ready for #Dakar2015
Dakar 2015 will have again as scenario Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.
Argentina: The Tourism Input in Economy
Blogging for Turytecnia, Adrián Martinez echoes the results of the survey published by the World Travel & Tourism Council, WTTC, where we can find and interactive infography with data from the...
Argentina: Outstanding Tourist Attractions on Social Media in 2014
Wenceslao Bottaro presents us with the most outstanding tourist attractions on social media from the interior of the country, according to the II Edition of the Ranking of Tourist Attractions...
Britain's Top Gear Show Not So Top in Argentina After Falklands Gaffe
In October the BBC's Top Gear program exacerbated bad blood between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands when filming on location. The show they filmed airs this weekend.
Behind Prison Walls, Violence Against Women Is Often Ignored in Argentina
Women in lockup in Argentina face humiliating searches, lack of prison amenities in comparison with men, poor health care, and a lack of interpreters if they don't speak Spanish.
Is Argentina Really ‘Infected With Foreign Criminals'? Or Just Xenophobic Politicians?
"We are infected with foreign criminals," Argentina's security secretary said, sparking controversy in the debate about insecurity in the country.
Argentinan Slums’ Identity Crisis
Argentina's shantytowns are in an identity crisis. These communities could soon be getting some help, however, now that the government might make October 7 "Slum Identity Day."
Argentinian City Awards Schools’ Blogs in Campaign to Reduce Violence Against Women
Argentina has witnessed a blossoming of organizations dedicated to spreading awareness about gender-based violence. Despite these advances, however, the phenomenon continues to grow.
Ten Tips for Shooting the Perfect Photography
Shooting a good photography isn't a chance result, dedication is necessary, and above all, getting connected with the location. GV contributor Laura Schneider offers us ten tips for taking the...