Stories about Argentina from May, 2012
Argentina: Football Fans Call for “Stop” to Violence
Football, the sport that is most watched and played in Argentina, has been witnessing a series of episodes of violence perpetrated by so-called "barras bravas" of various sports clubs. Football fans express their rejection of this violence through social networks.
Argentina: Controversy Surrounding Labour Conditions in Production of Yerba Mate
The Province of Misiones, where the famous Iguazú falls can be found, is the current subject of controversy because of the working conditions of yerba mate workers. The AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Income) has discovered slave labour in a yerba mate field.
Argentina: Transforming a Neighborhood Through a Cultural Shed
The Piedrabuenarte Cultural Shed in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina is transforming the neighborhood through culture, arts and citizen media. Formerly a warehouse for discarded scenery and sets for the Colon Theater, the space was transformed by artists in the community into a center for arts. Through their YouTube channel they are telling the world about it.
Argentina: Lawmakers Approve Gender Identity Law
Argentina approved a gender identity law, which allows changes of sex and name without going to court. Once word spread of the law's passage, users across the social networking spectrum echoed the reactions of the citizenry.
Argentina Approves Death with Dignity Law
After a long debate in the Argentine Senate, the Death with Dignity project was converted into law with wide-ranging support. On Twitter the hashtag #Muertedigna (death with dignity) became a local trending topic after news broke out about the new law. There have been many different opinions.