Stories about Argentina from March, 2012
Argentinians Ask to #Freethebooks
The coming into force of a resolution that restricts the importation of books has caused a new controversy. Here we bring together reactions that Argentinians have been sharing in recent days on their blogs and on Twitter with the hashtag #liberenloslibros (#freethebooks).
‘Mujeres Construyendo': Empowering Women, One Blog at a Time
Mujeres Construyendo, the first platform for female bloggers in Spanish, wants to convert Hispanic women into creators of internet content. We talk to its founder, Claudia Calvin, about this growing community of bloggers.
Argentina Prepares to Remember the Victims of the Falklands War
Malvinas Day is celebrated each year in Argentina on April 2. Given the current diplomatic conflict with the United Kingdom, the date is especially important this year. This is an update of opinions and reactions to the conflict.
Argentina: Documentary on Indigenous People in Buenos Aires
The documentary 'Runa Kuti, Urban Natives' shows us the stories of four descendants of indigenous communities living in the city of Buenos Aires, and how they struggle with reclaiming their identity, rediscovering their culture and making a place for themselves in the city.
Intercontinental Cry Will Launch Spanish Edition
Ahni announces the upcoming Spanish edition of Intercontinental Cry [es], which will go live on March 31, 2012. “The main objective of IC Espanol is, of course, to provide Spanish...
Ibero-American Blogging Competition Asks Teens: “What are you reading?”
The Organization of Ibero-American States invites teens ages 12 to 15 to enter a blogging competition about reading. The sign up [es] deadline is May 31, 2012, and judges will...
Argentina: President Fernández's Speech Under Netizens’ Scrutiny
On March 1, Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner gave a speech in the Senate. Twitter functioned as a centralizer of comments and discussion during its broadcast, and Internet users posted their opinions there, focusing mostly on that which concerned them.