Stories about Ukraine from November, 2015
New Ukrainian Police Banned from Using Russian Social Networks
VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the top Russian social network sites hugely popular in Ukraine, are now off limits for Ukrainian police officers.
Ukrainian Men's Travel Ban News Debunked as Fake by Military
"Santa Claus will not be paying a visit to those who spread rumors and unverified information."
Unearthing Local Stories on the Russian-Language Internet
While a lot of open-source research on the RuNet is possible thanks to broad Internet searches, sometimes it’s best to drill down to the narrowest sources available.
New Platform Provides Grassroots Organizing Opportunities for Ukraine's Urbanites
The online platform called "Zhyteli" (Dwellers) is aimed at arming urbanites with the tools to communicate with their neighbors more effectively about anything from utilities prices to major renovations.