Stories about Ukraine from May, 2014
Ukraine War in Real Time
Last Friday Ukrainian violence became even more viscerally evident on the Facebook account of one of the cyber-punk, post-state, viral-citizen-armies operating in the region.
Russia's Hashtag Activism in Ukraine
Russian activists are capitalizing on #BringBackOurGirls by framing in analogous terms Ukraine's capture of two Russian journalists, hoping for a similar groundswell of awareness and public outrage.
Euromaidan Six Months Later, Remembering What Was Won
Whatever happens next, participants of Euromaidan events will forever preserve memories of these months, both the good and the bad.
Escape from Ukraine, or Return of the Tomato Terrorist
After coming in contact with separatists, Morozov was arrested and accused of being a spy: "I don't hold it against the militia who tortured me in Antracite" he later wrote.
In Eastern Ukraine Conspiracies Believe in You
Several Russian journalists made connections between Eastern Ukraine separatist leaders and Russian billionaire Konstantin Malofeev.
International Community and the Crisis in Ukraine
Angie Ramos guest blogs [es] at Tintero Político about the crisis in Ukraine and after analyzing different key factors involved concludes with the reaction of the internacional community: The thing...
Death and Twitter: Reports from Ukraine
Today Russian journalist Ilya Azar reported on Twitter that members of Ukraine's newfangled National Guard had fired on civilian bystanders in Krasnoarmeysk.
Two People Are Driving Around Europe to Find What It Means to Be European
On the eve of European elections, two French artists will tour Europe to meet with as many types of Europeans as possible.
Crowd Boos Ukrainian Governor During Victory Day Speech
On a holiday that honors the millions who battled and sacrificed ostensibly to preserve the Soviet Union, lo and behold, Kherson's Governor offended people with his anti-Soviet remarks.
Russia's War of the Roses
After the deadly fire in Odessa, and months of tensions between Moscow and Kiev, it's no surprise that a WWII memorial has become an important stage in Russian politics.
Dissecting the Dead in Odessa
Vladimir Golyshev's text on the Odessan tragedy is an excellent representation of pro-Maidan bias, and it's worth reading as a typical case of how Kiev’s allies understand last week's tragedy.
When Is Imperialism Actually Imperialism?
The media have been quick to sling the accusation of imperialism at Europe, the U.S. and Russia over their involvement in other countries' conflicts. But what does imperialism really mean?
Crowdsourcing Ukraine’s Rebellion
Bloggers in Ukraine are turning to the Internet to publish the locations of troops in the country’s southeast, where the army is in the midst of a massive “counter-terrorist” operation...
Live Fire for Russian Historical Reenactor Spy
Military commander of the Slavyanks separatists, Igor Strelkov, is a historical reenactor, and, allegedly, works for Russia's military intelligence.
Tragedy and Confusion in Odessa
Over thirty pro-Russian protesters died in a fire in the cheerful Black Sea port of Odessa on May 2.
Laundering the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Kremlin might project its power into Ukraine’s mainland by encouraging, and perhaps arming, Crimean militia. In theory, Moscow might succeed in “laundering” an armed intervention in this way.
Is Federalism a Solution to South-East Ukraine's Identity Crisis?
In an ironic twist, pro-Ukrainian activists disseminate flyers in the Donetsk urging people to call for a referendum on joining the Dnepropetrovsk Region.