· March, 2014

Stories about Ukraine from March, 2014

Russia's Crimea Ballot Fraud that Wasn't

RuNet Echo  15 March 2014

A scandal surrounding a ballot photo suggests that Russians are pessimistic about Crimea's Sunday referendum. Many are ready to believe the worst now, even on laughably circumstantial evidence.

Russia's Crackdown Ahead of Crimea's Referendum

RuNet Echo  11 March 2014

Amidst the crackdown, eyes now turn to March 15, when Muscovites will demonstrate against Russian intervention in Ukraine, a day before Crimean voters decide between secession and expanded autonomy.

A warning message sent to Taiwan from Ukraine

  8 March 2014

The decision Russia made to send military force to Crimea worries many Taiwanese. Taiwan Explore, a blogger who devoted to introducing Taiwan, explained the parallels between Taiwan and Ukraine and...

GV Face: What's Next for Ukraine?

GV Face  7 March 2014

What's next for the #Euromaidan movement? Protests and bloodshed led to the fall of a corrupt president. But now, as Russia looms with military might and Crimea considers succession, there are endless unanswered questions about Ukraine's future political moves and relationship to the European Union.

Russia's Fight on Oscar Night

RuNet Echo  6 March 2014

Russia's Channel One canceled the live Oscars broadcast, and cut part of Jarod Leto's speech in the recording. Was it planned?

Mother Russia, Jump the Gun

RuNet Echo  5 March 2014

Try to imagine how hopelessly outgunned Ukrainian soldiers now find themselves in the Crimea, where armed militia choke the roads and airports with checkpoints