· May, 2012

Stories about Ukraine from May, 2012

Ukraine: Homophobic Legal Initiatives in Sync with Public Attitudes

  28 May 2012

Ukraine's first Gay Pride Parade ever failed to take place on May 20 due to perceived threats of violence against its participants; one of the organizers was attacked and beaten by a group of masked men. Meanwhile, Ukrainian MPs representing various political forces seem for once united in their attempts to ban "homosexual propaganda" in the country.

Ukraine: Yulia Tymoshenko's Plight and Euro 2012

  17 May 2012

There must be some corners on the web where football fans are still having apolitical discussions of Euro 2012, scheduled to take place in Poland and Ukraine from June 8 to July 1. For the past few weeks, however, the upcoming sporting event has featured prominently in arguments and discussions among those who seem more interested in the Ukrainian and European politics than sports.