· March, 2011

Stories about Ukraine from March, 2011

Ukraine: Lukyanivka Pre-Trial Detention Facility

  27 March 2011

Journalist Kristina Berdinskikh writes (RUS) at her Korrespondent.net blog about Kyiv's pre-trial detention facility SIZO #13/Lukyanivka: the conditions (general capacity is 2,800 detainees, the actual number is around 4,000; cells...

Ukraine: Comparing Fukushima to Chernobyl?

  16 March 2011

The media are increasingly present the situation at Fukushima as the world’s worst nuclear accident since the Soviet-era Chernobyl disaster. This news has hit home in Ukraine, where Chernobyl is located and where memories of the terrible events of 25 years ago are still very much alive.

Japan: Iodine Distribution Needed

  12 March 2011

@Traysizzzle writes: “I hope #Japan starts distributing #iodine asap to anyone close to the radiation…it's not #Chernobyl but its prognosis is not good…”

Japan: Tweets From Lviv, Ukraine

  11 March 2011

Ukraine-based @hiranotakaci (Hirano Takaci) tweeted this (UKR) and this (UKR) a while ago: “As for the earthquake in Japan, it's chaos in my feeds now. No gas and electricity, fill...