Stories about Ukraine from February, 2011
Ukraine: Choosing to Leave
With Ukraine hit hard by the economic crisis and most citizens disappointed with the overall economic and political situation, more and more discussions about emigration alternatives have been appearing online. Tetyana Bohdanova translates some of the netizens' views on the issue.
Ukraine: “Undressing… With an Excuse”
Good Girl Gone Ukrainian explains her disappointment with what FEMEN, a Ukrainian “female protest group known for its provocative bare-breasted acts,” has evolved into over the years.
Ukraine: “Reasons For Not Believing Today's Authorities”
Foreign Notes provides a loose translation – here and here – of the “30 reasons why it is difficult to believe today's authorities,” which were published in the Feb. 11...
Ukraine: Trip to Bakhchisaray, Crimea
The Kalpak writes about his trip to Bakhchisaray – “the hub of Crimean Tatar culture.”
Ukraine: Dear Polish Delegation, We’re in Shock, Too
Earlier this week, a Ukrainian TV station broadcasted a report about the visit of the Polish parliamentary delegation to Ukraine's parliament. According to the report, the Polish visitors were shocked by the Ukrainian MPs’ illegal practice of voting on behalf of fellow party members. Tetyana Bohdanova reports on Ukrainian netizens' reactions.
Ukraine: Kiev architecture in decay
Sistemny deriban writes about [RUS] the decay of prominent architectural sites in Kiev and how Ukrainian politicians ignore the issue.
Ukraine: New Blog on “Politics, and Everything in Between”
GV Author Tetyana Bohdanova has launched an English-language blog “on Ukraine, politics, and everything in between” – Good Girl Gone Ukrainian.
Ukraine: Netizens Criticize Chaotic Construction in the Nation’s Capital
Tetyana Bohdanova reviews online and offline debates and initiatives inspired by the chaotic construction in Kyiv’s historical center.
Ukraine: Facebook's Popularity Grows
Maksym Savanevsky of reports (UKR) on Facebook's increasing popularity in Ukraine: the number of users has grown by 400% in 2010; monthly growth rate is about 14%; some 1,161,000...
Ukraine: Bloggers Spread Information About Political Repressions
Tetyana Bohdanova reviews some of the reports on the ongoing political repressions against “ordinary people” in Ukraine that are being produced by bloggers, independent journalists and cyber-activists.
Belarus, Ukraine: Photographer Blogs About Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Documentary photographer Michael Forster Rothbart is guest-blogging about the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone at Chernobyl Children International.
Ukraine: 3 Million New Internet Users in 2010
A study cited [UKR] by shows that the number of Internet users in Ukraine has increased by 29%, or by 3 million people, in 2010. Ukraine's current Internet audience...