Stories about Ukraine from June, 2010
Ukraine: Hanna Herman's $60K Wrist Watch
Foreign Notes writes about a $60K wrist watch of the deputy head of Ukraine's Presidential Administration: “$60K is equivalent to 10 to15 years average salary in Ukraine…”
Ukraine: Gorbachev and Chernobyl
Window on Eurasia writes about Mikhail Gorbachev's order to hold the May Day demonstration in Kyiv shorly after the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Ukraine: Kyiv Farmers’ Markets
Photos of berries, fruit and vegetables sold at Kyiv farmers’ markets this summer – at The Pickle Project, here and here.
Ukraine: Culture outreach not for Ukrainians?
Linda Norris of The Uncataloged Museum argues that interactive arts and culture workshops should also engage Ukrainians, although she feels that most of them react by “That is not for...