Stories about Ukraine from May, 2010
Russian “Little Blue Buckets” Movement Reaches Ukraine
Ukraine-based feminist organization “FEMEN” [EN] conducted an action [ENG] in support of the Russian online movement “Little Blue Buckets” [ENG] and against the “unification of Russia and Ukraine under Kremlin...
Ukraine: Russia's return or political pragmatism?
Andrei Kolesnikov at openDemocracy analyzes relations between Russia and Ukraine after Russian president Medvedev's visit to Kiev last week.
Ukraine: Interview With Kyiv Post's Editor-in-Chief
Part 1 of an interview with Brian Bonner, editor-in-chief of the Kyiv Post – by David Brauer, at's Braublog.
Ukraine: Medvedev in Kyiv; Yanukovych & the Wreath
Reactions to the Russian president's visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, last week (which included the Ukrainian president being hit by a wreath during a commemoration ceremony at the Unknown Soldier Monument)...
Russia: Crisis and demography in Eurasia
Anatoly Karlin of Sublime Oblivion discusses the relationship between economic and demographic crisis in Russia and Eurasia.
Ukraine: The Plight of the Crimean Tatars
Paul Goble of Window on Eurasia writes about the 66th anniversary of the deportations of the Crimean Tatars and the current plight of those who have returned to their homeland...
Soviet History: “The False Charges of Treason Against the Crimean Tatars”
J. Otto Pohl writes about his new article (.pdf) – “The False Charges of Treason Against the Crimean Tatars” – which was published at the International Committee for Crimea website...
Hungary: “UEFA Threatens to Bring Euro 2012 Matches to Hungary” reports that UEFA “has threatened to take away the four [Euro 2012] sites from Ukraine, and move two to Poland and two to Germany or yes, Hungary.”
Ukraine: Village Life
The Pickle Project posts a photo report from a village not far from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.
Ukraine: Criminal Case Against Tymoshenko
What's Up, Ukraine? writes about the re-launch of an old criminal case against ex-PM Yulia Tymoshenko.
CEE: Facebook Use Stats
Worldwide Facebook statistics – at in Central & Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic has most users – 2,634,300 people, the country's overall ranking is #29, penetration is 25.8%. It...
Ukraine: Victory, Defeat, and Reconciliation
Steve Bandera of Kyiv Scoop writes that “WWII continues in Ukraine to this day, fuelled not by the veterans, but by politicians and demagogues […]. They are the ones preventing...
Russia, Ukraine: WWII, Stalin, History, Politics
A selection of posts on WWII, May 9, history, Joseph Stalin, and today's political discourse in Russia and Ukraine – at Foreign Policy Association's Russia blog (here and here), Global...
Ukraine: “Stolen Memory”
At, Roman Kabachiy writes about “the influence of politics on historical memory” in Ukraine: “[…] it’s business as usual: the Soviet archives are once again to be closed to...
Russia, Ukraine: Proposed Gazprom-Naftogaz Merger
Kyiv Scoop and Jamestown Foundation Blog (here and here) discuss the implications of PM Vladimir Putin's proposal to merge Russia's Gazprom and Ukraine's Naftogaz.
Russia, Ukraine: Politics and Demography
Mark Adomanis writes about politics and demography in Russia and Ukraine.
Ukraine, Russia: The Crimean Tatar Factor
Window on Eurasia writes about the Crimean Tatar opposition to Russia's military presence in Crimea.