Stories about Ukraine from October, 2009
Ukraine: Swine Flu (and Some Election Politics)
On Oct. 30, after a few days of alarming reports on an outbreak of respiratory illness in western Ukraine, the first swine flu-related death was confirmed, and PM Tymoshenko ordered Ukraine's schools closed and public gatherings banned for at least three weeks.
Ukraine: Charity
Scenes From the Sidewalk writes about an encounter with one of Kyiv's many homeless children – and posts photos from actress Olga Kurilenko's visit to a CrossRoads Foundation/ChildRescue's rehabilitation center....
Ukraine: Interview With A Drug Addict
David Sasaki shares thoughts on “engaging, not exoticizing human rights” and posts a video interview with Pavel Kutsev, a self-described “average drug addict” and “the co-founder of Drop-In Center, a...
Hungary: Dual Citizenship
Hungarian Spectrum writes about “a recurrent theme in Hungarian politics”: dual citizenship.
Featured Editor: Veronica Khokhlova
Veronica Khokhlova has been Global Voices' Central and Eastern Europe Editor since January 2006 when she first published an "Introduction to the Ukrainian Blogosphere". She splits her time between Kyiv, Moscow, and Istanbul.
Russia, Ukraine: A Georgian Politician's View
Window on Eurasia highlights a Georgian politician's view on the relations between Russia and Ukraine.
Ukraine: Child Rape and Politics
Ukrainiana reports on a controversial child molestation case, the details of which were leaked right before the official start of the presidential election campaign: “How much of this accounts for...
Ukraine: Kyiv Market
A few photos from a Kyiv market – at Greetings from Kyiv.
Ukraine: Art Website Shut Down; Gallery Set on Fire
IZO reports that “Anatoli Ulyanov's Ukrainian art website Proza ( has been shut down by its US host for displaying ‘child pornography'” – and that “Pavel Gudimov's Ya Gallery in...
Ukraine: Corruption
Ukrainiana writes about the need to fight corruption in Ukraine.
Ukraine: Babi Yar
Ukrainiana writes about the Babyn Yar/Babi Yar massacre.
Ukraine: “What Worries Ukes”
Foreign Notes cites the results of a Ukrainian survey, according to which “63% of those questioned were most worried about inflation, over 54% worry about low pay and pensions, over...
Ukraine: Yushchenko's Alleged Poisoning Case
Foreign Notes writes about the new developments in president Victor Yushchenko's alleged 2004 poisoning case.
Ukraine: “Dictatress”
Ukrainiana writes about PM Yulia Tymoshenko's evolution “from Gas Princess to Queen of Populism to Dictatress.”
Ukraine: More on ‘Destination Truth: The Ghosts of Chernobyl’
Chernobyl and Eastern Europe reviews Destination Truth: The Ghosts of Chernobyl: “I think the only good thing I can say is it was interesting to see Pripyat at night, though...
Ukraine: Broken Promises and the Presidential Election
Ukraine's presidential election is scheduled for Jan. 17, 2010, and there's no shortage of posts on pre-election politics on Ukrainian blogs. Bloggers who exhibit genuine trust in the nation's politicians are somewhat hard to find, however. Instead, there is plenty of cynicism.