Stories about Ukraine from June, 2009
Ukraine: A Tribute to Michael Jackson
Taras of Ukrainiana posts a tribute to Michael Jackson.
FSU: Soviet Toys
Photos of Soviet children's toys – at LJ user varjag_2007‘s blog (RUS).
Ukraine: “Lady Ethnographer”
Maria Sonevytsky of My Simferopol Home writes on being a “lady ethnographer” in Ukraine and on xenophobia in Crimea: “Ukraine today is caught between two warring accounts of history, as...
Ukraine: MP Viktor Lozynsky's Case
Ukrainiana writes about Viktor Lozynsky, a Ukrainian MP who has recently been involved in the brutal shooting of a 53-year-old unemployed man.
Ukraine: “Where Life Lives You”
An expat's musings on life in Ukraine – at Greetings from Kyiv.
Ukraine: Iranian Students Protest in Kyiv
Greetings from Kyiv links to Kyiv Post's photos of a protest by Iranian students in Kyiv.
Ukraine: Blogging Priest Scandal
Profy writes about a scandal involving a Ukraine-based Russian Orthodox priest – LJ user abbatus-mozdok – whose blogging manners were deemed inappropriate by the church officials.
Launch of communist victims website
A Step At A Time draws attention to the launch of a website dedicated to the victims of communism worldwide, by the Global Museum on Communism.
Iran: Comparisons and Scenarios
Balkans via Bohemia looks at how the events in Iran “would play out vis a vis other successful and unsuccessful revolutions in the past two decades,” including those in Serbia,...
Ukraine: £2.47 Million for Repin and Petrov-Vodkin
IZO reports that Alina Ayvazova, Kyiv mayor's wife, has paid £2.47 million at an auction in London to acquire two paintings by Russian artists Ilya Repin and Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin.
Ukraine, UK: Artist Olha Pryymak (aka Olechko)
Little Miss Moi links to a's profile of UK-based Ukrainian artist Olha Pryymak, who blogs at
Ukraine: No PRiBYuT
Ukrainiana posts an update on the failed coalition between the Party of Regions and BYuT.
Ukraine: Crimean Tatar Protest
Window on Eurasia writes about the continuing protest and growing discontent of a group of Crimean Tatar activists in Kyiv.
Ukraine: Thoughts on “Grand Coalition”
Taras Kuzio shares his thoughts on the looming “grand coalition” in Ukraine.
Ukraine: Babi Yar
The Uncataloged Museum writes about a visit to Babi Yar in Kyiv.
Ukraine: Eyewitness Accounts of Crimean Tatar Deportation
J. Otto Pohl links to the witness accounts of the Crimean Tatar deportations posted on the The International Committee for Crimea site.
Ukraine, Turkey: Sex Tourism
The Turkish Invasion writes about Turkish sex tourism (aka “morale tour for business partners”) in Ukraine.
Ukraine: PRiBYuT
Ukrainiana explains “the master plan about to be implemented by opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych (PRU) and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT)”: “Imagine Obama and McCain had chosen not to run....
Russia: Gastarbeiters’ Incomes Down
“Gastarbeiters in the Russian Federation are sending approximately 50 percent less money back to their homelands in the CIS than they did six months ago,” Window on Eurasia reports.
Ukraine: Abandoned Village in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Chernobyl and Eastern Europe posts a video of an abandoned village in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Ukraine: Kyiv Days
Michelle Knisley of Greetings from Kyiv posts pictures from the celebration of Kyiv Days in the Ukrainian capital.