· April, 2009

Stories about Ukraine from April, 2009

Ukraine: Art Exhibits; Kyiv Pics

  27 April 2009

IZO writes about some of Kyiv's current art exhibitions, and posts a few random pictures from the streets of the Ukrainian capital: “The place is rich in facture, people don't...

Ukraine: The Ruins and the Greed

  26 April 2009

LJ user sabeloff posts pictures of the ruined remains of a seaside young pioneer camp in Odesa and shares the recent history of the place - which, unfortunately, is a rather common sight in today's Ukraine.

Ukraine: Saturday Cleanup in Kyiv

  26 April 2009

Ukrainiana posts photos and video from this past Saturday's cleanup in Kyiv, and writes: “IMHO, the effort lacked coordination and field resources. There weren’t enough bags for everyone. Some people...

Ukraine: Chernobyl Photo Exhibit

  24 April 2009

The 23rd anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe is in two days, and Chernobyl and Eastern Europe Blog posts a press release for Michael Forster Rothbart‘s photo exhibit that opens in...

Kosovo, Ukraine, Russia: Social Media and Politics

  23 April 2009

Blogging Balkanistan writes that Kosovo’s PM Hashim Thaci is planning to join Facebook and that “several leading opposition party candidates already have accounts.” Petro's Jotter explores the Ukrainian political Twitter-sphere,...

Ukraine: Cleaning Up and Littering Down

  21 April 2009

Observations on the “public, private and personal space” in Kyiv – at The Uncataloged Museum. Photos and video of the damage done to Kyiv's environment during this year's Easter holidays...

Russia, Ukraine: Education in Russian/Ukrainian

  14 April 2009

Window on Eurasia writes about “a Russian activist [who] has written President Dmitry Medvedev asking that the Kremlin help Russian regions provide assistance to Russian-language schools in Ukraine.”

Moldova: “A ‘Romanian’ Flavor”

  9 April 2009

MoldovAnn posts an update on Moldova, including notes on “a ‘Romanian’ flavor to the demonstrations” – and this on reports “that internet was cut off”: “Sasha said that external internet...