· February, 2009

Stories about Ukraine from February, 2009

Ukraine: Politics on Twitter

  25 February 2009

Ukrainian president Victor Yushchenko has an official Twitter account; his tweets mirror daily schedule announcements and latest news items that are featured on the official website as well. There is also a Yushchenko impersonator on Twitter. Former speaker Yatsenyuk seems to have a Twitter account, too, but his political movement's press service would not confirm it.

Ukraine: Obama's and NATO Membership

  19 February 2009

Ukrainiana notes that Obama seems to no longer support “NATO track for Ukraine” – and posts this comment: “If the Obama administration opts for a ‘Chicken Kiev’ foreign policy, it's...

Ukraine: The Plight of Irina Gavrisheva

  16 February 2009

Jeff Mowatt draws attention to the plight of wheelchair-bound Irina Gavrisheva, who “writes and publishes website appeals and articles about helping sick children of Zaporozhye, on behalf of the Happy...

Ukraine: Profile of a Chernobyl Employee

  11 February 2009

Michael Forster Rothbart writes about one of control room shift supervisor at Chernobyl Power Plant, whom he photographed for “a series of panoramic portraits of Chernobyl employees en milieu“: “The...

Russia, U.S.: Biden's Remarks in Munich

  11 February 2009

Transatlantic Politics writes: “So Biden has made quite an impact with his “hit the reset button” with Russia remark at the Munich security conference over the week-end. But this comes...

Ukraine: Victor Yushchenko's Popularity Waning

  8 February 2009

According to a poll carried out last month, Ukraine's president Victor Yushchenko “would have won less than 2.9% of the vote if the presidential elections were held in late December 2008 or early January 2009.” Below are some views on the president and other politicians from the Ukrainian blogosphere.