· January, 2009

Stories about Ukraine from January, 2009

Ukraine: KGB Archive

  30 January 2009

Sean's Russia Blog writes this about Ukraine's plans “the entire KGB archive dating 1917-1991″: “These materials will certainly be employed in the further crafting of Ukraine’s ‘imagined community’ of victimization...

EU: Investing in Ukraine's Gas Pipeline?

  29 January 2009

Wu Wei quotes a Kyiv Post editorial, which urges the EU to consider investing in Ukraine's gas pipeline system, and posts this comment: “But on what terms will this be...

Ukraine: Medical Center for Street Children

  28 January 2009

Scenes from the Sidewalk posts pictures and writes about the only medical center in Kyiv “where street children can get medical attention without documents”: “Many At-Risk Children or street children...

Russia, Ukraine: “Gas War IV”

  27 January 2009

Leopolis analyzes the Ukraine-Russia gas dispute and the agreement signed: “There is a natural temptation to assess the ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ of the Russian-Ukrainian Gas War IV, which emerged from...

Ukraine: Travel to the Exclusion Zone

  27 January 2009

Chernobyl and Eastern Europe Blog writes about “Photos of Your Home” at Pripyat.com, the project “developed as an opportunity for former Pripyat residents to see pictures of their former homes/apartments.”

Russia, Ukraine: “Far From Over”

  27 January 2009

Streetwise Professor writes: “In short, the Gas War is just the surface of things. Under the surface one finds the true dynamic–Russian imperial ambition resisted by a nation struggling to...

EU, Russia, Ukraine: “Everyone A Loser”

  26 January 2009

Michael Berendt of Blogactiv.eu writes that “[a]ll those directly affected [by the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute] were the biggest losers of all,” but that “[o]n the other hand the long-term case...

Ukraine, Russia, EU: Gas Politics

  26 January 2009

Antal Dániel of Central Europe Activ believes that Ukraine is “one of the most corrupted countries, a quasi-bankrupt and quasi-failed state” and quotes Gazprom's deputy chairman to emphasize that “the...

Russia, Ukraine: Gas Deal and Gazprom's Stock

  24 January 2009

Streetwise Professor writes this about the Russian-Ukrainian gas deal: “So, if the masterful Gasputin has really engineered such a coup, one that in addition to pulling Ukraine into Russia’s orbit,...

Russia, Ukraine: Gas and Soccer

  20 January 2009

LJ user dobrokhotov wrote this (RUS) on Jan. 18 about the Russian-Ukrainian gas deal: “What nonsense, it's been, like, two days already since they agreed on the price of gas,...

Ukraine: Ruthenians

  18 January 2009

Window on Eurasia writes about Transcarpathian Ruthenians of Ukraine, who are “calling on Moscow to recognize the independence of Subcarpathian Rus because Kyiv has ignored their demands for autonomy within...

Ukraine: “Notes From an Underground”

  18 January 2009

Stephan Clark of Everybody I Love You links to an audio version of his essay on how not to starve in Ukraine: “When you learn you’re going to Ukraine for...