Stories about Ukraine from May, 2008
Ukraine, Russia: Personae Non Gratae
On May 12, Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov was declared persona non grata in Ukraine, following his calls for Russia to take ownership of Sevastopol, a Ukrainian Black Sea naval port. On May 15, Russia denied entry to Vladyslav Kaskiv, one of the leaders of the 2004 protests in Kyiv and member of the Our Ukraine/People's Self-Defense faction in the Ukrainian parliament. LJ user varfolomeev66, a Russian journalist, compares the two cases.
Europe: More on Eurovision
Belatedly, a link to a Eurovision report by BBC's Mark Mardell – and over 150 comments to his post.
Ukraine: Opposition and Alliances
Foreign Notes writes on the relationship between PM Tymoshenko, president Yushchenko, and the Party of the Regions.
Ukraine: Tymoshenko's Politics
Foreign Notes writes about PM Yulia Tymoshenko's defeat in the Kyiv election, her meeting with PM Vladimir Putin, and the future of her cabinet.
Ukraine: News Roundup
An update on oil, inflation and other Ukrainian issues – at Orange Ukraine.
Ukraine: Pre-Election Kyiv
Five installments of pre-election Kyiv photos, video and commentary – at Ukrainiana: here, here, here, here, and here.
Ukraine: Inflation and Currency Revaluation
Edward Hugh of A Fistful of Euros discusses inflation, currency revaluation and politics in Ukraine.
Ukraine: Klychko and Katerynchuk
Ukrainiana comments on two more Kyiv mayoral candidates and their campaign ads.
Russia, Ukraine: Photos
Photos from Russia and Ukraine by Flickr user In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (via Olechko).
Ukraine: A View From Crimea
Last week, Ukraine banned Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov from the country, after he called for Russia to take ownership of Sevastopol, a Ukrainian Black Sea naval port. The incident received much coverage in the Russian and Ukrainian media and blogs. Below is one more post, written by a Russophone resident of Balaklava, a Crimean town that has an official status of a district of the city of Sevastopol.
Ukraine: More Mayoral Campaign Ads
Ukrainiana posts a few more videos of the Kyiv mayoral campaign ads.
Europe: Eastern Partnership Project
AnTyx writes about the Eastern Partnership project.
Ukraine: Vote-Buying
Kyiv Scoop reports on vote-buying in Kyiv.
Ukraine: Ad Campaign of Civil Activists of Kyiv
Ukrainiana dissects the ad campaign of one more party running in the May 25 Kyiv mayoral election.
Ukraine: Crimean Tatar Deportations; “Tercuman”
Window on Eurasia writes about the 64th anniversary of the Crimean Tatar deportations by Stalin – and about Tercuman, a newspaper launched by Ismail Gaspirali, a Crimean Tatar educator and...
Ukraine: Political Ads
A guided tour through Ukraine's current political advertisement – at Ukrainiana.
Ukraine: Kyiv Graffiti
Moscow Through Brown Eyes offers samplings of Kyiv graffiti – here and here.
Soviet History: Milk Stores on Flickr
Stephan of Everybody I Love You has created a Soviet Milk Stores group on Flickr (four pictures there so far).
Ukraine: “Great Ukrainians” Voting Fraud?
Okeksandr Demchenko writes about the alleged voting fraud in the “Great Ukrainians” TV show.
Ukraine: A Blog on Crimea and Crimean Tatars
Lots of interesting and informative posts on Crimea and Crimean Tatars, including the most recent one, with photos, about Khydyrlez, “the annual Crimean Tatar May celebration of strength and vitality”...
Ukraine: 64th Anniversary of Sürgün
J. Otto Pohl reminds readers that this coming Sunday, May 18, marks the 64th anniversary of Sürgün, the mass deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944.