· February, 2006

Stories about Ukraine from February, 2006

Ukraine: Pre-Election Observations

  28 February 2006

Less than a month before the election, Oleksandr of Messages From Canada assesses Ukraine's major political parties’ presense on the Web and their platforms: he's unsatisfied and bored with what...

Ukraine: Faces and Churches of Lviv

  27 February 2006

Carpetblogger has visited the western Ukrainian city of Lviv and shares photos of local churches of various denominations and of the creatures that look at you from the buildings.

Ukraine: Party of Putin's Politics

  27 February 2006

Scott W. Clark of Foreign Notes writes about some Ukrainian parties competing in this year's parliamentary race; among them is the Party of Putin's Politics (Neeka's Backlog has more on...

Ukraine: Self-Immolation Attempt

  24 February 2006

David McDuff of A Step At A Time has translated a report about a Ukrainian woman's recent self-immolation attempt as a way to protest her Chechen husband's imminent deportation to...

Ukraine: Two Babushkas

  24 February 2006

Stefan of Dykun continues with his Ukrainian grandmother‘s story: how the languages and dialects Baba Omaha can speak – Ukrainian Poltava and Ukrainian Galician, Polish, Czech, Russian, German and Belarusian...

Ukraine: ‘Gangs of Donetsk’

  24 February 2006

LEvko at Foreign Notes writes about ‘Gangs of Donetsk’ and what appears to be a criminal connection of a major Ukrainian party.

Ukraine: Minor Violence Reported

  22 February 2006

LEvko of Foreign Notes reports several “worrying violent incidents,” which may or may not be related to the upcoming election: the National State Tax Service Academy in Irpen has been...

Ukraine: Andrey Kurkov Book Review

  21 February 2006

Kevin Kinsella at Languor Management disagrees with Victor Sonkin, a book reviewer who is being too harsh on Andrey Kurkov, a Ukrainian writer whose novels, originally in Russian, have been...

Uzbekistan: Ukraine Deportations

  17 February 2006

Registan.net writes about the deportation from Ukraine of a handful of Uzbeks trying to obtain refugee status and speculates about the possible connection of the decision to Ukraine's need for...

Ukraine: News Roundup

  17 February 2006

Dan McMinn of Orange Ukraine does his regular roundup of Ukraine's main political and economic themes: the gas agreement, privatization issues, campaign news and relationship with Russia.

Yanukovych and Poetry

  15 February 2006

Oleksandr at Messages From Canada has a post about “proFFessor” Victor Yanukovych talking poetry in Odesa. Very funny. Yanukovych is Ukraine's former prime minister who ran for president in 2004...

Ukrainian Political TV Ads Roundup

  14 February 2006

Scott W. Clark at Foreign Notes does a roundup of the Ukrainian parties’ TV ads: Regions of Ukraine; Our Ukraine; Viche; Pora. Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc, however, is neglecting the TV...

Ukrainian News Roundup

9 February 2006

Scott W. Clark does a Ukrainian news roundup at Foreign Notes: the Gongadze murder case proceedings should be open to the public; the Danish cartoons have been reprinted in a...