· August, 2011

Stories about Serbia from August, 2011

Croatia, Serbia: A Flag of Friendship

  24 August 2011

Two young adults from Croatia and Serbia have created a mixed Serbo-Croatian flag, as a gesture of reconciliation between the two countries. Some netizens have condemned the initiative, others seem to approve of it.

Serbia: Belgrade's New Bridge

  21 August 2011

Bill's Blog and A Yankee-in-Belgrade write about and post pictures of the Serbian capital's recently completed new bridge across the Sava River.

Serbia: Dramatic Return of the Chetniks

  17 August 2011

Carl Savich of Serbianna writes about the 1942 radio play, Treasury Parade, starring Orson Welles, and how it glorifies the Chetniks’ struggle against Nazi occupation during the Second World War.

The Balkans: Travel Blogs

  9 August 2011

At Balkan Travellers, Sarah Hucal writes about Yugo Yoga performance that took place on a makeshift stage at Belgrade's Museum of Yugoslav History in July 2011; more of Hucal's Balkan...