· October, 2010

Stories about Serbia from October, 2010

Serbia: Children Get Military Training in Russian Camps

  22 October 2010

In the prime of the newest public discussion on patriotism and the origin of violence in the Serbian society, newspaper Danas reported that two years ago Serbian children, aged 11 to 15 years old, had spent 16 days in scout camps in Russia, where they were being trained to assemble and dismantle weapons, to throw bombs, and to fire rifles. Sinisa Boljanovic translates some of the reactions to the case.

Europe: EU and LGBT Rights

  18 October 2010

Katerina Todorovska wrote [MKD] on the Macedonia in the European Union blog about EU's imperfect record on LGBT rights and its positive influence in relation to starting the debate and...

Serbia: Gay Pride Parade Used as Excuse for Riots

  12 October 2010

Gay Pride Parade held on October 10 2010 in Belgrade brought out the worst and the best elements of Serbian society in the open. The police had to suppress about 6000 rioters who, in a very organized manner, wrecked damage in the city center, while pro-democracy forces hailed the event as big advance for the freedoms of speech and association, guaranteed by law.