· November, 2009

Stories about Serbia from November, 2009

Serbia: Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Pavle Dies

  18 November 2009

Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Pavle, died on Sunday, November 15. On Monday, Serbia’s government declared a three-day mourning. Sinisa Boljanovic translates some of the reactions from the Serbian blogoshere.

CEE: The Berlin Wall

  16 November 2009

The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: How To Marry a Bulgarian hosts a series of readers’ personal reflections: Biliana Velkova, Alexandra Grashkina-Hristova, Maria Vassileva; Hungarian Spectrum...

CEE: A Travel Roundup

  2 November 2009

A selection of travel posts – Belgraded: travel from Belgrade to Sarajevo by train for the first time in 17 years, ‘Red Star’ stadium possibly to be renamed ‘Gazprom Arena’,...