Stories about Serbia from August, 2007
Serbia: Kosovo and Other “Statelets”
Steady State writes about Kosovo and the “de facto statelets of Abkhazia, Transnistria, South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh.”
Croatia: Gračac
Balkan Anarchist writes about his familial ties to and the recent history of Gračac, “a town and municipality located in the south of Lika,” which, before the war, had “a...
Serbia: Kosovo Roma
Peshas Gypsy Gitan Blog writes about the plight of the Roma of Kosovo.
Serbia: Aerial Views of Kosovo
Prishtine: Independence and Kanun posts several aerial views of Kosovo.
Serbia, Russia: Parliamentary Football
Anegdote writes about a football game that the team of Serbian parliament members lost to the team of Russian Duma deputies.
Serbia: SMS Templates
Anegdote shares a joke on the default SMS templates localized for Serbia; here's one item: “Turn on the news, a war is starting.”
The Balkans: Youth Activism
Balkanizer believes that in the Balkans, “it is the youth that should be at the vanguard of social revival and instead they are the most passive part of the society.”
Serbia: “Nefertiti” by Jasmina Tešanović
Boing Boing hosts the HTML version of Jasmina Tešanović's latest novella, “Nefertiti” – Creative Commons-licensed, featuring stencil art from Aleksandra Petković.
Serbia: Maja Stojanovic
Srebrenica Genocide Blog asks readers “to send their words of encouragement” to a Serbian human rights activist facing a ten-day imprisonment: “'It is unacceptable that Maja Stojanovic should end up...
Serbia: Belgrade & Its Airport
Wu Wei writes about a trip to Belgrade and lists the good and the bad things about Belgrade airport.
Russia: Ethnic and Religious Miscellanea
Window on Eurasia reports on the following subjects: Russia's Muslims’ support for Kosovo independence; Chechen youth choosing to study at Chechen universities; the Chuvash discovery of America and other myths...
Slovenia: “Reaching Out to Roma”
TOL's Romantic reports on a Ljubljana seminar “dedicated to increasing the level of acceptance of the Roma as a minority group.”
Serbia: More on Srebrenica Anniversary
Belatedly, a link to Jasmina Tesanovic's piece on the heat in Serbia, and, very belatedly, a link to her text on the 12th anniversary of Srebrenica tragedy (both hosted by...
Serbia: “The Rolling Devils”
Anegdote writes about the Serbian Orthodox Church's unfavorable view of the Rolling Stones.