Stories about Serbia from February, 2006
Albania: Dajti Mountain Cable Road
Anna of annasblog writes about skiing in Montenegro and taking a recently installed cable road to Tirana's Dajti Mountain.
The Balkans: Current Events and Stability In The Region
Mat Savelli of Roma Roma and a commenter named Owen discuss implications of the impending lawsuit against Serbia and other issues relevant to the region's stability.
Serbia & Montenegro: Kosovo Update
As the talks on the future of Kosovo have begun in Vienna, Balkan Update sums up the history of the conflict and looks at the possible outcome and the future...
Things That (Allegedly) Only Happen in Serbia
Chantelle of One Small Lawyer's Big Adventure writes about what she thinks can only happen in Serbia (but which, in fact, is also true about Russia and Ukraine and, possibly,...
Serbian Veggies
Desperate Serbwife writes about Serbia's “overlooked gem”: vegetables that are full of taste.
Kosovo's Status and Serbian Radical Party's Position
East Ethnia reports that Tomislav Nikolic, leader of extreme nationalist Serbian Radical Party, said that “if Kosovo were to be granted independence, Serbia should declare it to be ‘occupied territory,’...
Russia, Kosovo, Georgia: Frozen Conflicts
David McDuff writes that Russia may acquiesce to a plan that would split Kosovo from Serbia and Montenegro to pressure the West into a quid pro quo deal that would...