Stories about Romania from July, 2009
Russia: Retreat of the Cold Warriors
Gerhard Mangott discusses [GER] the recent letter by Central and East European leaders, warning the US of the consequences of a withdrawal from the region.
Nabucco: Running out of gas
Der Spiegelfechter comments on [GER] the agreement to build gas pipeline Nabucco and wonders where the gas will be coming from, whereas Der Unbequeme questions [GER] the need of yet...
Nabucco: Chorus of the energy slaves
Gabriela Ionita of Power&PoliticsWeblog discusses the recent agreement in Ankara on the construction of the western financed Nabucco gas pipeline and competition with Russia over Caucasian and Central Asian gas...
Moldova: Review of the Twitter revolution
Nouvelle Europe reviews [FR] the April 2009 Twitter revolution in Moldova and puts it into greater perspective as for the country's relations with neighbouring Romania.
Romania: Csíkszereda Blogs
Csíkszereda Musings writes about Csíkszereda's English-language blogs – here and here.