Stories about Romania from January, 2009
Romania: Rural Life in the EU
Tessa Bunney, who photographed rural life in the Carpathians of Romania, wrote this about the implications of the EU accession for some of the subjects of her photos: “The Romanian...
Romania: Czech Villages in Banat writes about the Czech villages in the south of the Romanian Banat: “People in Banat have preserved their heritage for more than 180 years by simply passing it from...
Europe: More on Entropa
Corina Murafa writes some more on the Entropa controversy.
Europe: Entropa
Belatedly, links to some posts on Entropa: Margarete of The Foreigner's Guide to Living in Slovakia believes “it should be taken down”; Kosmopolito thinks that “the debate around the project...
Russia-Romania: Redirecting the gas flow?
Gabriela Ionita of Power&Politics Weblog discusses Russian PM's Putin comment on redirecting its gas trade through Romania in the future by way of the projected SouthStream gas pipeline.