Stories about Romania from February, 2008
Kosovo: Implications for Other States
Pestcentric believes that “Kosovar independence has really opened a can of worms, the full extent of which has yet to manifest itself.”
Kosovo, Serbia: A Roundup
Update on Kosovo/Serbia: Belgrade 2.0 sums things up; East Ethnia discusses the possibility of partition; Csíkszereda Musings writes on the meaning of Kosovo for Romania's Székelyföld autonomy; Greater Surbiton re-posts...
Serbia: Anglophone Bloggers on Belgrade Rally, Riots, Kosovo
Below is a selection of the English-language posts about last week's events in Serbia and Kosovo, which appeared on Feb. 21-23.
Serbia: Anger, disbelief over proclamation of Kosovo independence
Ljubisa Bojic translates some reactions from the Serbian blogosphere to the declaration of Kosovo independence.
Romania: Investing
An excerpt from the U.S. Ambassador's speech on investing in Romania – at Transatlantic Politics.